Tagged kudos

Love to WordPress

WordPress turns seven this year, and the WordPress 3.0 Release Candidate (RC) is now available for testing. Woo-hoo!!

Seeing as how I just renovated my Brainripples website using WordPress, I figured this was a great time to give a little love to WordPress and its world wide community of users and supporters, and tell you all how awesome it is to blog with WordPress.

As a new blogger in 2005 and 2006, I launched some of my first blogs using the free hosted services at WordPress.com. There I taught myself to use WordPress (and blog effectively) thanks to the helpful support community, and the many friendly bloggers who share their thoughts using WordPress.com.

I’d like to call myself a seasoned blogger now that I’ve been at it for five years, but I’m not a programmer. I owe gratitude, kudos, and donations to countless developers who make WordPress and its many plugins, themes, and other goodies available to folks like me. Blogging is a natural extension of my work as a writer, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my words with the world audience without wasting my time trying to reinvent the blog.

If you’re new to blogging, here’s the first suggestion I have to offer: blog on WordPress. Even if it’s hard for you at the beginning, it will be worth the time you spend teaching yourself to use it. There are other tools which might be easier for the newest of newcomers, but nothing in my experience compares to the quality and versatility of WordPress, the helpfulness of its users and supporters, and the availability of information and tools to help you learn to use it.

You can teach yourself everything you need to know to use WordPress by simply taking your time, asking lots of questions, and reading the generous forum archives where others have hit the same brick walls, broken the same lines of code, and found the same workarounds, fixes, and methods to make WordPress operate at its best.

Thank you, WordPress. ROCK ON!